We See You,

the WHOLE You

Empowering Women Over 40

to Get Well, Be Well, Live Well

  • Personalized Care

  • Root Cause Focus

  • Holistic Approach

Rediscover How To

Get Well, Be Well, Live Well

True wellness begins with knowing your body.
Our mission is to empower you on your path to optimal health. We provide personalized, research-backed solutions to address the root causes of weight gain, hormonal imbalances, chronic inflammation, and more.

Specialized Care
for Your Primary Health Conditions

Metabolic Dysfunction

Gut Health Issues

Weight Loss Resistance

Chronic Fatigue

Hormonal Imbalances

Immune System Disorders

...and so many more.

Empowering You to Take Control of Your Health and Live Your Best Life.

Why Choose Us

Discover the Path to Wellness


Holistic Approach

We treat the whole person, addressing root causes, not just symptoms


Personalized Care

Our programs are tailored to meet your unique needs for maximum effectiveness.


Expertise and Experience

With over 30 years in nursing and functional medicine, we provide trusted, knowledgeable care.


Empowerment Through Education

We equip you with the tools and knowledge to take control of your health.

The DEEPER Solution

for Living Well


Discover your personal concerns and goals.


Eliminate symptoms based

on your concerns.


Evaluate targeted

functional labs


Plan/Prioritize lifestyle, habit or diet changes


Empower you to make the changes that works


Refine your plans

and goals

Transforming Health, One Step at a Time



First, we conduct a thorough health analysis to uncover potential issues. This is where you begin understanding your body.



Next, we address symptoms by recommending immediate lifestyle, habit, or diet changes. This is where you start feeling better and begin your journey to GETTING WELL.



Finally, we empower you with the tools and support needed to maintain these changes and refine your health plan. This is how you start BEING WELL and ultimately LIVING WELL.

Your Partner in Holistic Health

Meet Kimberly Wiest

Kimberly Wiest is a dedicated healthcare professional with over 30 years of nursing experience and specialized expertise in functional medicine. She founded The Living Well Solutions to empower women, especially those over 40, to LIVE WELL through a holistic, personalized approach. Kimberly’s passion for holistic health stems from her personal journey and professional insights, guiding clients to achieve true well-being by addressing the root causes of health issues.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine is a personalized, patient-centered approach to healthcare that focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of illness or imbalance in the body. It considers the complex interactions between genetics, environment, and lifestyle factors to optimize health and prevent disease.

How is Functional Medicine Different from Conventional Medicine?

Unlike conventional medicine, which often treats symptoms with medications or surgeries, functional medicine seeks to understand and address the underlying factors contributing to health issues. It emphasizes a holistic approach, aiming to promote wellness rather than just managing disease.

What Conditions Can Functional Medicine Address?

Functional medicine can address a wide range of acute and chronic health conditions, including digestive disorders, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune diseases, metabolic issues, chronic fatigue, and more. It's particularly effective for conditions with complex underlying causes.

What Can I Expect During a Functional Medicine Consultation?

During a functional medicine consultation, you can expect a comprehensive assessment of your health history, symptoms, lifestyle factors, and environmental influences. Your practitioner will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan focused on addressing the root causes of your health concerns.

What Treatment Modalities Does Functional Medicine Use?

Functional medicine incorporates a variety of treatment modalities, including nutritional therapy, lifestyle modifications, stress management techniques, targeted supplementation, detoxification protocols, and mind-body therapies. The approach is highly individualized based on each patient's unique needs.

How Long Does it Take to See Results with Functional Medicine?

The timeline for seeing results with functional medicine varies depending on the complexity of your health issues, your adherence to the wellness plan, and other factors. While some patients experience improvements in symptoms relatively quickly, achieving long-term wellness often requires ongoing commitment and patience.

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